Scimitar SE4 Specific Parts
Showing all 77 results
206018 Trunnion Seal
£2.40 -
90167 Gearbox Front Gasket
£3.25 -
204324 Water Shield
£3.60 -
209923 Indent Spring
£4.00 -
210440 Snap Ring (1st & 2nd Hub)
£4.20 -
90313 Gearbox Side Selector Seal
£4.50 -
21751 Gear Box Mounting (Straight 6)
£6.00 -
204497 Bearing Sleeve for trunnion spindle
£6.00 -
203668 Gearbox Side Cover Gasket
£7.50 -
SE4S6COND Lucas Condenser (Straight 6 & early V6)
£7.95 -
SE4S6ROTORARM Rotor Arm (Straight 6)
£7.95 -
200214 D Washer (Straight 6)
£7.95 -
Lucas Contact Breaker
£7.99 -
203253 Exhaust Clamp – Manifold to Downpipe (Straight 6)
£8.50 -
206024 Felt Seal (Straight 6)
£8.95 -
SE4S6OILFLTR Oil Filter (Straight 6)
£9.95 -
203100 V-Belt (Straight 6)
£11.00 -
ST6AIRFILT Air Filter Element (Straight 6)
£12.00 -
200786-4 Splined Hub Nuts (4 qty)
£12.00 -
200074 Gearstick Bush (Straight 6)
£14.00 -
4687 Gearstick Gaiter
£14.50 -
200234 Steering Coupling (Straight 6)
£15.00 -
50085/50815 ST6 Lower Wishbone Nut & Bolt Kit (Wishbone to Chassis)
£15.00 -
200375 Temperature Sender Unit (Straight 6)
£18.00 -
BPOSTR B Post Reinforcement (Stainless Steel)
£18.00 -
9946 Core Plug Set (Straight 6)
£18.00 -
200240 Engine Mount (Straight 6)
£19.50 -
6258 Rear Flexi Brake Hose (Straight 6)
£19.95 -
SE4S6SUMPGASKIT Sump Gasket Kit (Straight 6)
£22.74 -
212822 Top Ball Joint with Grease Nipple
£23.50 -
SPARK1 Spark Plug Set (Straight 6)
£23.70 -
204208 Rocker Cover Gasket (Straight 6)
£24.00 -
200595 Remote Door Release Escutcheon (Straight 6)
£25.00 -
200209 Wheel Bearing Kit
£26.98 -
201856K Fuel Pump Kit (Straight 6)
£28.00 -
201099 Heater Valve
£29.00 -
200306 Throttle Linkage Kit (Straight 6)
£30.00 -
203306 Throttle Linkage (Straight 6)
£30.00 -
SE4S6DISCAP Distributor Cap (Straight 6)
£35.00 -
203343K Overdrive Gasket & Seal Kit (Straight 6)
£36.00 -
GBLOCK Used Glovebox Lock & Key (Straight 6)
£36.00 -
SE4S6IGNCOIL Ignition Coil (Straight 6)
£39.99 -
204947RK Indicator Cancellation Part for early chrome stork type
£42.00 -
203973 Sabre Brake Pads (Straight 6)
£45.00 -
210420 Synchro Ring (1st & 2nd)
£45.60 -
200X12AVO Road Sping for AVO (Straight 6)
£46.00 -
200378 Speedo Cable (Manual Gearbox)
£48.00 -
200786 Splined Hub Nuts (16 qty)
£48.00 -
202806 Engine Mounting Bracket LH
£48.00 -
202805 Engine Mounting Bracket RH
£48.00 -
SE41WV Brake Servo One Way Valve (Straight 6)
£55.00 -
SE4S6CHASSISRIGEX Chassis Exhaust Side Rigger (Straight 6)
£56.70 -
SE4S6CHASSISRIG Chassis Side Rigger (Straight 6)
£56.70 -
ST6-CRB Clutch Release Bearing (Straight 6)
£60.00 -
203811 Silicone Top Hose (Straight 6)
£65.00 -
210418 Synchro Ring (3rd & 4th)
£67.50 -
203155 Silicone Bottom Hose (Straight 6)
£70.00 -
2165 Fast Road EBC Brake Pads (Straight 6)
£75.00 -
205952 Clutch Slave Cylinder (Straight 6)
£79.00 -
203378 Trunnion LH
£88.00 -
203377 Trunnion RH
£88.00 -
90335C Clutch Release Bearing Carrier
£95.00 -
203361 Brake Disc (Straight 6)
£98.00 -
ST6-HG Head Gasket Set (Straight 6)
£125.00 -
205728 Layshaft
£145.00 -
ST6AIRBOX Used Air-box (Straight 6)
£150.00 -
210439 Synchro Hub (1st & 2nd)
£160.00 -
210438 Synchro Hub (3rd & 4th)
£160.00 -
200047 Radius Arm Bush Set (Straight 6)
£166.81 -
203201 Speedometer (Straight 6)
£169.00 -
SE4S6WTRPUMP Water Pump (Straight 6)
£219.00 -
210422, 205729 Gear Countershaft
£240.00 -
200208 Front Hub Assembly (Straight 6)
£245.00 -
203360X 2 Pot Brake Caliper (RH) **£60 refund on return of old unit** (Straight 6)
£249.00 -
203359X 2 Pot Brake Caliper (LH) **£60 refund on return of old unit** (Straight 6)
£249.00 -
202420 Clutch Kit (Exchange) (Straight 6)
£345.00 -
204420S6 Alloy Radiator (Straight 6)has straight connector at the bottom not as per pic